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Include Social Media Information in Advisor Biography

Advisors can include social media information with their Link biography by accessing their account settings.

Social media is a great way to stay connected. Include your social media handles so your clients can get to know you better. Clients who feel a greater connection with their advisors are more likely to open up to them or recommend others to them. 

Add Social Media Account 

  1. From the home dashboard, hover over your account information in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select "manage profile" from the drop-down menu. 

    Social Media in Bio Step 1

  2. "My Advisor Profile" is used to manage your advisor/professional information and how your clients see you on their dashboard. Think of this information as a virtual billboard for your business. 

    Account Settings - My Advisor Profile

  3. Locate the social section towards the bottom of the page. Copy and paste links from other social media sites into the associated boxes below. 

    Social Media in Bio Step 2