Share Now & Share at Notification

Link is a sharing platform, which means everything can be shared with either an advisor or friends and family.

Whether it be a file or document, insurance policy, bank account, or life story, the sharing process is the same. A user can choose to share with their connections immediately or when a life event occurs. 

Share Now  

  1. From the home dashboard, choose the section where the item you would like to share is located using the menu on the left side of the page.

    Enable Collaboration Step 1

  2. Select the item you would like to share. You can do this by clicking on the name of the item or by selecting the 3 dots and then "details.

    Enable Collaboration Step 2

  3. Click on the "Recipients" tab within the item.

    Enable Collaboration Step 3

  4. There are two sharing options:
    1. Enable Collaboration - allows the recipient of the item to see the entire list of recipients and add comments.
    2. Enable Urgent Sharing - allows the item to be shared immediately in light of a death event, rather than waiting for the 72 hour holding period. 
    Select the option that fits the needs of the item and recipients. 

  5. Below, type in the name(s) of the people you would like to share the item with and select them.

    Enable Collaboration Step 5

  6. Press the drop-down menu next to their name and choose "share now" to give them immediate access. 

    Enable Collaboration Step 6

Share At Notification   

  1. Follow steps 1 through 5 as listed above. 
  2. Press the drop-down menu next to their name and choose "share at notification" to give them access to the item at a certain life event, such as your passing. 

    Share at notification